Look out for this band because they are on the rise, and they are moving fast. Their name is Manchester Orchestra and believe it or not they are from Atlanta Georgia. Led by frontman Andy Hull this band is making leaps and bounds in rock music. The groups full length album was released in mid 2007 and is called "I'm Like A Virgin Losing a Child." As you may have realized by their album title this band is very much influenced by religion. In many of their songs they relate their lyrics to biblical phrases, and sing alot about God himself.
Manchester Orchestra's sound is mostly led by lead singer/guitarist Andy Hull. Hull's lyrics are brilliant and he is much more of an artist than a songwriter. Their music can be a little more indie pop on songs like "The Neighborhood is Bleeding" and they can totally switch over to a more serious end in songs like "I Can Barely Breathe," and "I Can Feel Your Pain." Andy Hull thrives off his smooth voice and brilliant lyrics, the band itself compiled together an A+ album in "I'm Like A Virgin Losing a Child." It's full of emotional drive that pulls in the listener and really connects you to Andy Hull and what he is saying. They know exactly how and when to put each part of their songs together. I sincerely recommend this band to anyone looking for a new indie rock group, they are absolutely fantastic.
Here are some links to their webpages:
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